James's Social Boosting

Thursday, September 30, 2010

How can Boostria help bloggers

Many bloggers are curious:
How exactly can Boostria help me with my blogging? What can it do for me? In what aspects is it different from other ad sites?
Well, Boostria is definitely no ordinary ad site. In fact it actually has four main points which make it unique and interesting for bloggers:
1. It makes your blog more interesting. Even though we are a word-of-mouth advertising service, we do not encourage many testimonial blogs, simply because they are unverifiable. We do encourage blogs that are interesting, fun-to-read, and might even brighten up your day! Many times, people in a good mood are much more likely to click on your blog and help you make your money.
2. It makes your site more organic. Boostria mixes both sponsored and unsponsored messages into our widgets. This way, from the reader’s point-of-view, your blog is publishing entertaining stories. They can see that some are sponsored.
3. It adds more traffic to your site. Ad publishing is all about targeting. Google AdSense targets ads based on content, but we target ads based on content, social influences, and various other factors. This way, a booster who left comments to your blog will have a better way to show their boostings, since people will be interested. In other words, we encourage boosters to leave comments on your blogs. Since blog comments are pretty viral, this will make your site more viewed and bring high quality traffic to it.
4. It adds more social elements to your site. Every blog on this site is backed up by a real person, so this person will most likely share their social profile in places such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc… This will make your site much more social!
And, as always, if you have any comments, suggestions, or constructive criticism, please let us know. Your feedback will always be appreciated and taken into consideration.
Thank you.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Adding Boosting to your movable type 4 blog

  1. On your blog template list, go to the quickfilters pane and click on Widgets
  2. Create a widget template; assign a desired name, like (vertical ads, horizontal banner, etc)
  3. Paste in your Boosting player code.
  4.  Navigate to your Widget Sets, select the desired widget set
  5.  Drag and drop your Boosting widget on the available widgets to the installed widgets pane
  6. Save and publish your blog.


How to Add Boosting to Your TypePad Blog

  1. Login to TypePad and go to TypeLists. The TypeList main page displays.
  2. Under Create a new TypeList, select a Notes TypeList.
  3. After you create the new TypeList, TypePad prompts you to add that TypePad to one of your blogs. Click on Add this list to your weblog(s) or About Page. A pop-up window displays.
  4. Check the blog you want to add the Reollie Boosting ads to and click Save Changes.
  5. A success screen displays, Close Window. Meanwhile back in the main window, TypePad prompts you to add an item to your Notes TypeList.
  6. Click on Add a new item. The a pop-up window opens and the new item form displays.Leave Label blank for now.
  7. Under Note, paste in the Boosting player code using Edit > Paste (or Ctrl-V or Command-V) and click Add Item.
  8. The item has now been added to your blog.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Adding Boosting to your blogger.com blog

  1. Sign up a Boostria Booster Account
  2. Get the boosting player code (one line of JavaScript)
  3. To show boosting into one post, just paste the code where you want the ad shows
  4. To show boosting at sidebar, go to "layout"->"Add a Gadget"->"HTML/JavaScript", then paste your code into the textbox
Take a look the right sidebar for a live boosting